While I still think finding one cable that is both maximally focused and detailed and consequently maximally warm and laid back an impossibility (this would be the perfect cable!), I do think you can achieve this system wide. A cable may be able to help you here.
I now understand Lcherepkai is trying to acheive this sonic signature system wise. I would second Samhar, the PAD cables are both warm and detailed, not so focused, the Dominus being the best I've tried in the line, the Ferox version would likely be your best choice, the Museus and Venustas could also work.
And yes, I've found the Oyaide's to be forward sounding in my system. The Porter Ports are more laid back, more distant soundstaging.
I now understand Lcherepkai is trying to acheive this sonic signature system wise. I would second Samhar, the PAD cables are both warm and detailed, not so focused, the Dominus being the best I've tried in the line, the Ferox version would likely be your best choice, the Museus and Venustas could also work.
And yes, I've found the Oyaide's to be forward sounding in my system. The Porter Ports are more laid back, more distant soundstaging.