need warm and LAID BACK hi-rez/focused power cord

I posted several months ago seeking recommendations for hi-rez, highly focused power cords in the tradition of the TG Audio Silver but with greater warmth or body. I did acquire a pair of Fusion Audio Enchanters and a VD Nite Platinum from the responses to my inquiry. However, after changes in amps, cd player, interconnects, and new Porter Ports, I find myself in need of advice again on the same matter. My system presently is: A Consonance Droplet 5.0 run directly into a Wyred 4 Sound ST 500 driving a pair of custom Legacy Focus clones using Eton drivers/midbass, metal dome mids & tweeters/NHT woofers. Both components are plugged into a PS Audio P 600 equipped with Porter Ports.
I have an Enchanter plugged into both the power regenerator and the CDP and a Wolff Gain with Oyaide Palladium/Gold plugs on the amp. Interconnects (balanced) are either Sunny Cables 1000's or Jungson Golden Dragons.
Speaker cables are Anti-Cables which I run directly into the speakers/crossovers bypassing binding posts.

My system is very detailed with very good focus and staggering dynamics. With good recordings, all is well and I'm quite satisfied. However, on some (many) recordings, horns, piano, and some guitar can some across aggressively. It has been recommended I replace the Oyaide plugs. Perhaps I will. What I would like are some recommendations on hi-rez, highly focused power cords that are to the laid back and warm side. I really liked the VD Nite Platinum but, it was too upfront for my system. Price is a factor in that I would like to spend $600 or less on the used market. Thanks in advance.
SNS----Would you consider the Dominus laid back or relaxed?
The metal dome mids only seem to bite when the mids are pushed forward in the mix (and recorded a bit to the hot side already). I have a lateral mosfet amp with a laid back midrange and this amp never seems to bite but, it lacks the resolution of the Wyred ST 500. It works well in the A/V room. Would you try pulling the Oyaides before going on this cable quest? If so, what plugs would you go with to maintain the resolution and focus as much as possible while allowing the sound to "relax" a bit? Thanks so much SNS------Lyle
Would you consider the DNM's comparable with regards to detail/resolution and image focus?

Unfortunately, the best answer I can give is it depends.

It's a synergy thing that will vary from configuration to configuration I have found, so no way to know for sure without trying.

They are a very minimalist design in regards to materials used though and therefore easy and inexpensive to try.

Do the DNM's come balanced?

No, not that I am aware of.

Here is a link to some commentary on these that I think is a fair assessment:

In general they work best I have found in situations where the music has a bit of an edge in the mid to upper ranges that needs to be taken off for whatever reason. The other ICs I use (Harmonic tech and MIT) are more likely to draw attention to the same.
The Dominus is relaxed for sure, laid back, I'm not sure what you mean by that term, I think of laid back and relaxed as the same thing. If you mean laid back soundstaging, I would say a neutral depth of soundstage.

I would pull the Oyaides for sure, they make a large soundstaging difference in my setup. The Porter Ports should diminish that forward sound you speak of. They won't really take the bite away, however, sounds like a tonality issue, IC's and speaker cables make more differnce here.

Almost forgot, the VH Audio AirSine power cords also provide the sound you're looking for, warm, relaxed and top flight resolution, these are my preferred cable at the moment. These are also quite a deal compared to the higher line PAD cables.

I'm not familiar with your IC's. The anti-cables you're using on your speakers are certainly relaxed. Have you tried these as IC's, could be just what you need.
Hey folks---just heard from Virtual Dynamics and they recommended I simply tighten all the screws/bolts on my drivers and, you know what, that took a significant amount of bite out of my system. I'm still interested in that laid back or relaxed, warm, highly focused, hi-rez power cord that I started this thread with but, I'm a little less motivated now. If there are no more recommendations,
I would like to thank all who have offered REAL and WORTHWHILE advice and alternatives. It's so nice to have such helpful audiophiles offer up their experience rather than combing through dozens of reviews hoping to find the right cable or piece of equipment. Thanks again to all.
Lyle Cherepkai
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