Lessloss or MAC PC's w/ conditioner????

Hi I am a newbie and have a pair of Usher Be 718's, a Tube Audio Design Preamp/DAC and SS Monoblocks.

I have read amazing reviews about the Lessloss cords. However most of these reviews are for the $595 version of the cord. I am considering the Mini ($299), which according to the site, does 95% of what the regular version does.

However, i have read that the Lessloss actually are not really meant to be used with a conditioner (guess i can save that money), although i'd still want some kind of surge protection.

At a cost of $1200 for 4 Lessloss Mini PC's, i can get a Furman or Shunyata and 4 MAC Cables or whatever anyone reccommends at about $100, whether Iego or DIY, plus a 20amp cord for the Hydra or a PC for the Furman.

Anyone compared the audio improvement using Lessloss PC's versus say a Shunyata Hydra Power conditioner or a Furman 15PFI?

Is the improvement greater with a conditioner or with power cords? I live in a pretty urban area in an apt complex.

This is a hard one, because, logically, the conditioner and 5 MAC PCs would be the right choice. But the reviews for the Lessloss seem to speak of a quite large improvement.

Any thoughts? Thanks!!!
my guess - IMHO only - no brainer

you will be better off with a power conditioner that actually does something to clean up the power then a cable that wishes it could... be sure to consider BPT in the mix and at your budget point the very respectable, very functional APC H series


for power cords be sure to consider the Harmonic Tech 11 cords which you can find used for 100-150 here on the Gon - probably can collect as many as you need in a month

FWIW most people will tell you to put your best cord between the wall and the conditioner - try that but also try it between the conditioner and the source
What are your priorities, detail and nuance in sound reproduction, or power surge protection? The cables can't fix problems with AC upstream. My opinion, if cost is a factor and the power in your home or at least to your circuit feeding your stereo is clean and quiet, you are better off with the best power cable(s) you can afford than going to a conditioner and less quality cables. Shunyata conditioners are terrific as are their better power cables, but if you are not running these or similar quality all the way from your AC outlet to your power conditioner and then to your gear, you will realize your best overall performance with better cables and no conditioner. I suggest buying the Lessloss cables now, and a really good conditioner later, and unplug your system when not in use/during storms if that is a concern in your area for insurance. If your home AC is crappy, go the conditioner and lower cast cable route.