Lessloss or MAC PC's w/ conditioner????

Hi I am a newbie and have a pair of Usher Be 718's, a Tube Audio Design Preamp/DAC and SS Monoblocks.

I have read amazing reviews about the Lessloss cords. However most of these reviews are for the $595 version of the cord. I am considering the Mini ($299), which according to the site, does 95% of what the regular version does.

However, i have read that the Lessloss actually are not really meant to be used with a conditioner (guess i can save that money), although i'd still want some kind of surge protection.

At a cost of $1200 for 4 Lessloss Mini PC's, i can get a Furman or Shunyata and 4 MAC Cables or whatever anyone reccommends at about $100, whether Iego or DIY, plus a 20amp cord for the Hydra or a PC for the Furman.

Anyone compared the audio improvement using Lessloss PC's versus say a Shunyata Hydra Power conditioner or a Furman 15PFI?

Is the improvement greater with a conditioner or with power cords? I live in a pretty urban area in an apt complex.

This is a hard one, because, logically, the conditioner and 5 MAC PCs would be the right choice. But the reviews for the Lessloss seem to speak of a quite large improvement.

Any thoughts? Thanks!!!
How about buying a conditioner from Running Springs Audio? Or even the Furman Elite or Power Plant? $1200 will come close to the price of one of these used.

However, if I run MAC cables from that will i "lose fidelity" according to Knownothing.

I live in an apt. complex that i will move from (can't install a dedicated line, but i move alot, doesn't ever make sense to install one, as i would have to drop $300 every single year), in an urban area, but i do most of my listening after 10pm.

I would at least try putting the Lessloss into even a Home Depot power strip with very basic surge protection. Have no idea when storms will come through.

So which do you think offers more improvement- a Running Springs conditioner w MAC cords or the Lessloss? The problems is that both have stunning reviews, AND they can't really be used with each other--- so i really can't buy one and buy the other at a later point!!!

This is a real toughie.

Indiesound, not so tough really. Given the additional information about apartment living - I would definitely go the conditioner/MAC route. Lots of potential junk in apt. building AC and no real way to control if moving frequently.

Under any circumstances, I would not put a cheap surge suppressor in your line - chances for noise and clipping current peaks drawn by your amp far outweigh cost savings for audio applications. Just make sure any high quality conditioner you purchase also has surge protection built in.

Not sure this one has surge suppression, but in another thread recently someone recommended using the $495 Audience Adept Response aR1p which is a single line conditioner in association with a quality power distributor like an Analysis Plus Oval 10 4 box downstream to plug your gear into. I suggested another alternative is to use the Audience aR1p conditioner at the wall plug in association with the audio version of the simple Wiremold audio power strip ($70 or less online or at Naim dealers) in place of the more expensive Analysis Plus outlet box. The Wiremold audio strip provides very clean and quiet power via nine outlets, all hand wired, no power switch, no surge suppression and no lights. You could combine this set up with the MAC or other reasonably priced power cables to supply your gear. I assure that this combination would be much better than stock cables in combination with a hardware store surge suppressor.
I use the regular LessLoss plugged into an original Hydra and it sounds grand. Superior to many of the "big name" PC's I have used. Have not tried it straight to the wall outlet, though. Probably should.

I also use a LessLoss PC to connect my Shunyata Guardian PLC to the wall outlet. I have everything except power amp plugged in to that Shunyata PLC. It works for me.

I think a good PLC can do more for you though.
I'm using Lessloss DFPC on all my components,amps ect.
I even use one on my balanced 20a TORUS PIU.
If they weren't doing it for me I wouldn't be using them.