Phono cable idea's

I am looking for rca to rca phono cables for my system. They will be running between my Audio Research Ref 3 and ASR Mini Basis Exclusive. I would like to spend somewhere between $500.00 and $750.00, new or used. Thanks---

Stanwal is a vdH dealer and that should have been disclosed.

Without that information his recommendation is unprofessional and unethical. are unprofessional AND unethical. One is bad enough...BUT BOTH! You have now been banished to Planet AP! (I am picturing the scene where Superman's dad (Jorel?) banishes the three criminals to infinity in that prism jail).
We will forgive him when he listens to Chris de Burgh for 48h without any stop via MP3 and his cheapest speakers .... :-)
It is true that I am a VDH dealer. in this incarnation I have sold 0 cables and do not sell on the internet. I was a dealer some 15 years ago also and still have every one I bought then. I bought some used in the period when I was not a dealer and still have them so I hardly have made a fortune on them. I bought over a $1000 worth last fall for my own use so I put my money where my mouth is. But if Audiofail says I am unprofessional and unethical it must be true because he is the worlds reigning authority on these subjects.
The fact you have sold no cables is irrelevant.

The sarcasm is a lame attempt to divert the real issue which is financial interest in a product line you endorsed without disclosure. Plain and simple.