Shoot, man! Why do you have to spill the news?
Just kidding! I too have the cables. I found that in my TT rig, the cables works excellent! It seems that their "double shielding" works very well.
I have compared the cables, on phono duty only, to Groneberg Quattro and Groneberg TS Premium (sold by Odyssey Audio at Audio Circle) and found that it has better sound in the mid to high frequency range than the Gronebergs. Bass department is the same. I tried the cables on line level signals (cd, preamp to amp) and could not confirm any solid advantage/disadvantage from the Gronebergs. But, in the same system, my Nordost Blue Heaven Rev II sounds anemic to it.
Another cheap but excellent cables I prefer in phono application and line level duty is the Mogami 2534 if you do not mind to do a DIY.
My experience is base on my system performance only so YMMV. I am using 100dB speakers running full SET, so hum is the enemy.