Best of XLR cable?

I have just heard Kimber KS-1136 and that is my number one cabel for me so far.I never heard Nordost Valhala so Kimber is the one.I transformed my system to something I never expected to happen.My system is Meridian 808.2i,Sroll Lyric(best buy I have ever done)Tannoy Canterbury.
I have a pair odf HiDiamond Diamond 3 XLR's burning in from my VTL 7.5iii preamp to Krell FPB 300cx amp, which only accepts XLR. These simply are superb, both physically and audibly. replaced JPS Aluminata, itself a terrific cable, but the HD is a notch above, Great presence and natural sound, nothing emphasized.

Who knew?

I bought a pair of xlr cables from for a garage system the other day for a ridiculously cheap price and am shocked just how good they are sounding after just two days of play time. It turns out he is also a Audiogon member. I'm posting this not as an endorsement, but just for other Audiogoner's to take a look. I don't think his prices can stay this low for long.
Nglazer, nice amp and cables you have, all that I posted above is on my modded Krell 700cx amp, congrats to you.
I have tried the two types of Blue Jeans XLR Cables (amongst others) between my Audio-gd Master 7 and Magnum Dynalab MD-209; one made with Belden 1800F, and one made with Canare L-4E6S. I prefer the later, but the cable has to run through a gauntlet of power and other cables, so the shielding may be the reason it sounds better to my ears.
I second the XLR balanced from I run a set out of my LKV Phono 2-SB. Very happy. The cables are well made from quality parts and come at a reasonable price. I never did an ABX test (please don't flame) - but i tried them in a couple different configs - including simply adding them in line to my all-ballanced system - and i could not discern a difference with the cables in line or out. I.e. they may not be for folks looking for cable "magic" - but they may be great for folks who just want a high quality cable that doesn't screw up your sound. Plus they are a great value.