Kimber's new KS 6000 SC

Anyone have any information about these new offerings?
The KS-6063 is an upgraded version of the KS-3033, with more conductors and a mixture of solid-core and variable strand copper conductors. The KS-3033 does not use solid-core conductors.

Likewise, the KS-6065 is an upgraded version of the KS-3035, with more conductors and a mixture of solid-core and variable strand copper and silver conductors.

The KS-6068 will have solid-core and variable strand silver conductors.

I think Kimber is also designing new collars for these wires. The mixture of solid-core and stranded conductors is supposed to improve the sonic properties of these cables.
I understand the KS 6033, 6035, and 6068 are available and being shipped. Anyone had a chance to hear them?
I am also keen to hear opinions on this new range, specifically the KS6068.........unfortunately not quite yet available in my country as yet.......anyone?
Have a pair of KS6068 speaker cables for home demo. They are new out of their case with now only three hours on them and although it is very early days I feel they are significantly better than my well used pair of KS3038......but also significantly more expensive.

Will repost later.
Smp, I look forward to your impressions after the KS 6068 has settled in and you've had a chance to listen critically.

I'm very interested in these cables but just completed an extended audition of the Kubala Sosna Elation SC and IC that completely enamored me. The Elations are the most captivating cables I've yet heard in my system and I'm a devoted Kimber fan. And for the price of the KS 6068 I could get Elation SC and IC.

So I am anxious to hear your report.