speaker cables for Wilson Sophia

Other than transparent and MIT cables for Wilson Speakers, what other cables are you guys using w/ your Wilsons ?
Is it also determined by the amplifier being used ?

Thanks for the inputs.
I've been using Cardas Golden Ref for years. I just had them reterminated using their new forging process for an even smoother transparent presentation. I partner my WP7s w/ Ayre MX-Rs. I had a ML335 before that.
Glad Wilson speakers can work with other cables other than Transparent cables.
Has anyone here tried Purist Audio Design w/ the Wilsons ?
Hi, I've used Purist Dominus Ferrox and now Purist Proteus Provectus Praesto. Very very nice match with Wilsons...
I was using Purist Proteus Provectus S/C's and I/C's before trying Cardas GR. I'll put them back in to compare again in two weeks.