Transparent cables with Thiel speakers

My current system is:
Bryston BCD-1
Bryston BP26
Bryston 7B SST2
Thiel 3.7
Interconect from CDP to pre amp: Cardas Golden Reference
Interconnect from pre to power amp: Cards Neutral Reference
Speaker Cable: Cardas Neutral Reference
I want to upgrade the CDP to Pre amp interconnect and speaker cables to Transparent Reference. If you have ever used Transparent Reference cables with Thiel speakers. Can you please share your experience here. Thank you in advance.
I compared Transparent Audio cables to several others at home in the following system: Wilson Audio Sophia IIIs, Densen B350 mono-amps, B250 preamp, Rega Apollo as source. Based on my observations I just don't understand why so many Wilson owners swear by Transparent, in the context of my system it wasn't close and I agree with Lougiants comments, because I had the same experience!
12-14-10: Ricred1
I just don't understand why so many Wilson owners swear by Transparent, in the context of my system it wasn't close and I agree with Lougiants comments, because I had the same experience!

One reason I can think of...the internal wiring, puppy tails for Wilson W/P's use transparent wiring. That said, I bought a pair of Siltech LS-180 used (about 1/2 price of new) They are a fabulous match in my system.
Before spending big bucks on speaker cables, I strongly suggest contacting Alpha-Core for a free trial of their MI 3 speaker cables. FWIW, Jim Thiel recommended them, and Alpha-Core uses Thiel speakers.
I have an all Ayre system and there was nothing worse than Ayre for MY system. Again...cables are soooo system dependant I am only reporting on MY system.