Power strip recommendation.

I have had the PS Audio PPP in my system for sometime now with absolutely no noticeable sonic improvements. I just had 2 20amp outlets wired directly into the panel with 10awg gauge wire with i must say better and satisfying sonic results. Much reduced noise floor. As far as i can see/hear, the power entering my home is already very stable and "clean".

Long story short, i will remove the PPP but would still need a hight quality power strip or perhaps a passive device like Audience but i am skeptical that such passive devices would reap any sonic benefits either. I am looking for the BEST return/value for money and i believe that the power strip option is the way to go. My equipment is all ARC Reference.

Suggestions welcomed.
You might consider something like the APC P8V that retails for under $100 and has eight outlets. APC is a trusted company when it comes to power protection.
Might I suggest a Synergistic Research Powercell 4 Powerstrip. They are relatively new but are based off of the Powercell 10SE technology which one 2009 awards best. I would suggest the 10SE to anyone...

Regards Bacardi
Is your need for a power strip to get more outlets or do you need filtering or surge protection? Either way, any device you use will have a "sound," at least that's been my experience. As with everything power related, you need to try a variety of things in your system and see what works best for you. There are several lustsworthy hunks of metal power strips out there (Oyaide, Furutech, Acoustic Revive) but I have no idea if they sound any good.
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