Morrow MA4 Vs JPS SC3?

What are the benefits of the Morrow cable verses JPS SC3?

The Morrow MA1 sounded better than my Superconductors 3, I was so impressed that I decided to try the MA6/SP6. Soundstage much deeper with a wider soundstage with pristine clarity. JPS is a little forward in its presentation by comparison.
Clear Day are great speaker cables. As far jp#s claim that Gabriel Golds crush Morrow, I would offer a different assessment. Gabriel Golds are very extended but can sound a little fatiguing. In my experience, the higher you go in the Gabriel Gold line, the better the high frequencies sound. Bass extension, however, is not as impressive.

In my system, I run Gabriel Golds from my source to pre and Morrow from pre to amp. Nothing I have tried has beaten the Morrows in that position, whereas I have found Tara Labs and PAD to better the Gabriel Golds, although at greater cost.
Another vote for Morrow. I have SP/MA3's on my main system, the Morrow cables replaced Kimber Select cables & interconnects. The Morrows clearly sounded superior, and were a tremendous value too boot. I Sold the Kimber Selects and put the money towards a small integrated amp system for my dining room. I'm running Morrow SP/MA2's in that system. Mike Morrow is a super nice guy and a real pleasure to do business with as well.