Interconnects: solid or hollow core wire?

Which makes for better interconnects, all else being equal, single core or hollow core wire? Thin or thick gauge? Experience first, theory second!
I'd like to hear from the electrons themselves, please, about whether they like a good bubble bath or not.
Solid Core ICs and speaker cables by Mapleshade or Audioquest. Two very different price points and design approaches but Mapleshade is the best cable bargain in existence.
07-18-11: Trebejo
A good compromise is bubble core. Electrons love a good bubble bath.
Trebejo (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

07-18-11: Pmboyd
I'd like to hear from the electrons themselves, please, about whether they like a good bubble bath or not.
when's Audiofeil going to chime in with his opinion?? :-D