Power Cord brands mixing. "Your Opinions"

I have the following brand power cables and would like opinions.
1) LAT International AC-2 from Marantz DV9600 to Panamax MAX 5510-PRO.
2) Nordost Vishnu from Anthem AVM 50 to Panamax.
3) LAT International AC-2 MKII from BAT VK-6200 AMP to wall.
4) Shunyata Diamondback from OPPO BDP-93 Bluray to Panamax.
5) Shunyata Diamondback from Panamax MAX 5510-PRO to Wall Ps Audio socket.

Please take a look at the loom and tell me what you guys think.

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>>Mixing cables virtually assures mediocrity<<

One of the dumbest statements you'll ever read here folks.
12-24-11: Douglas_schroeder
Mixing cables virtually assures mediocrity.

All this time I thought my stuff sounded pretty good, now I find out it's only mediocre. Excuse me while I go shoot myself in the head.
Mix it to your liking, or buy a Bose. Even they have a variety of parts in them. Your the one that has to listen to it. What is good for one, is not good for all. What a boring stereo, and life that would turn out to be.