I am actually quite enthused about finally having some more people to compare notes with, regarding this new technology. Post your impressions as you live with cables or pm me (does a'gon still allow that?) as things progress. I don't want to rouse the lurking flat earth society and start some debate over break in. I'll say this, though: several others I know report extensive break in with these cables. There appears to be a pattern to this break in...but four people is hardly an emperical study. All i know is what i hear.
As an Anaconda Zitron owner, your experience will be very interesting because it will add to the pool of shared experience. I am utterly bored with and uninterested in theoretical discussions about whether something should or should not work. I've yet to hear an explanation of break in I could follow, but my ears tell me it's real. Can't wait to hear what you experience!