SameSspeaker Cable and Interconnects

I've recently found that I like my systems sound better when I'm running the same brand/model speaker cable and interconnects. My system is simple, a DAC going to a preamp then to an amp. So I only need two interconnects.

What I hear just sounds more uniform and coherent.It also just 'feels' better meaning that what I hear physically from my ears syncs with what I hear emotionally. Another example of this is related to what I hear with a digital amp. I like what I hear physically from my ears. If I go down a checklist of sonic attributes it all seems to be there. But....what I hear emotionally just fatigues me sooner than later(now I haven't heard all the digital amps out there) and becomes intolerable.

What's your assessment?
There have been several discussions on this subject,check the archieves with the search function and be ready for a long reading sessions!!! I'm sure you'll get some more responses to this query though. Me, I have no problem with mixing it up a bit.
No universal answer for this one.I definitely prefer same brand cable loom for IC and SC. Currenly using Ocellia cable this way and it`s wonderful.
I have to admit my system is more synergistic having a loom of Power cords ( all Ps audio AC3-AC12) speaker(Morrow/sp3 and Ma3 xlr to amp) I do however have a set of AQ's Columbia xlr's from source to preamp. All in all best its been!
Gotta say I prefer same brand SC/IC just like I need to match pre/amp with same brand.