Fans of Blue Jeans Speaker Cable?

I searched the archives and have seen a good bit of comment on Blue Jeans' ICs but not much on their speaker cables.

Based on comments here I recently bought a pair of their LC-1 RCA interconnects. They're fantastic, period, and one of the best audio purchases I've made--everything I play sounds more human, whole, and naturally occurring in space. They replaced Tributaries A2. I'm planning to buy another set of the LC-1 to use as jumpers on my NAD C372. question is what kind of experience people have had with the speaker cables, particularly their 10g Belden 5t00up? I'm currently using Anti Cables and have been very happy with them (smooth highs, deep, well defined bass, vivid mids), but I thought that at the price I might give the Blue Jeans wires a try. Do they have any particular sonic signature? Are they as good a value as the LC-1 or the Anti Cables? Is the solid-core/stranded wire debate relevant to the comparison?

System is: Rotel 1072 with RFI chokes on the power cord > Blue Jeans LC-1 > NAD C372 with Signal Cable Magic Power cord > Anti Cables > Vandersteen 1Ci.
I also have the belden 10 guage, 25 foog lengths wigh the locking bananas. I like them very much! Compared to Monster Z line, and AQ rocket 44's, I like them the best. The locking banans are great! I am interested in the anti cables and also the signal silver resolution cables as I will be buying other signal cables based on Milpai's recommendation of these. Im also interested in the canare's. I wish there was a way to swap cables for listening impressions. On a side note, I contacted Blue Jeans about elevating speaker wire off the carpet and they said it madr no difference. They also said 8 foot runs weren'g going to sound any different than 25 foot runs with about 12 feet coiled up.
just did another back to back comparison with the rocket 44's. listened to the 44's for two hours lastnight, two more today. belden's definatly have more detail and more bass with possibly better seperation. I think the soundstage is deeper with the beldens, wider with the 44's. the highs have more air with the beldens too. overall, i like the beldens better. i'm curious if you'll like the anti cables more. the canare seem to be of similar design to the 44's, so i wonder if you'll notice the same as me.
Just ordered the Canare 4S11 this afternoon--8' lengths for me to single-wire and shorter lengths for my buddy to bi-wire, so I'll get to hear it in two configurations. I'm also getting another LC-1 IC to use as a jumper on my NAD C372. Hope they'll be here by the end of the week, and assuming I have power (with the storm and all) I'll post my impressions. Not sure if I'll get a new baseline with the jumpers in place before I swap speaker cables or if I'll try the speaker cables first. Good cheap fun, in any case!
I have the 4s11 for speaker cables - they are great.
I have bl-1 for interconnects, but also canare lv61 which I prefer (greater clarity / dynamic range I feel!)

Honestly, I do not see the point going with more expensive cables than canare or belden.