In need of a powercord

I have acquire an Adcom GFA 5802 and need of a powercord for under $100. Any recommendation will be appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
I just got some Pangea AC-9s (not the SEs) for Cyber 800 mono blocks. Out of the box, I heard improvement over the generic 14 AWG cords I had been using.

Can't say how they will work in your Adcom but Audio Advisor has a 30 day return policy so might be worth checking out. You can get them on Amazon too w/free shipping.

I ordered a couple Opera-Ella Baby powercords on a hunch and was not disappointed. There a big sounding pc with very good dynamics. When compared to my Acoustic Revive-Ref. they lack refinement but are not embarrassed by the AR. Check with Quest For Sound to see if they still discount this great budget pc.
I have two Zu Birth 2m PCs available. One new, one used. Let me know if you're interested.
I'm about to try the Supra LoRad 2.5 in my system. Got a good review in Positive Feedback a while back, and if you're willing to take a few minutes to screw the plugs on the ends of the cable they can be had for about $65 for 1.5m. Best of luck.