it seems that transparent cabling is very expensive from top to bottom.can any one tell me what is the most expensive part of the cable,the cable itself or the network.most cable companies talk about the materials and construction of their cables but transparent only tells you how they can they justify the cost?
simple answer- time spent calibrating the networks by humans.
a little background- back a few years ago the transparent catalog was much simpler and easier to understand. you had std, plus, ultra, and reference as i recall. i thought from looking at the graphs in the brochure that ULTRA offered the most value for the dollar. but this was prior to XL technology, then MM1, and finally MM2. forget carbon fiber- it looks pretty but i personally don't think it's worth the expense. you can always call them and ask their sales rep for their honest opinion. i guess you'll have to tell them your budget as well.
I still have some ultra interconnects hanging around for spares.
tell me what is the most expensive part of the cable,
