Cables that are more enhanced than Acoustic Zen

I am needing to go into a biamp situation (solid state for woofers) and two sets for the top end - using a zero speltz impedance box in the chain (mid and highs - otl mono block tube amps) Since my current speaker wires are Acoustic Zen Satori shotgun bi-wires I will unfortunately need to move on and completely redo my speaker cables in my system.I might look at interconnects at the same time for addtional system synergy,

I've done a bit of reading in old threads but feel a new post for my current bi-amp situation would be appropriate

I really like the strengths of the Acoustic Zen speaker cables - I also have the original Matrix IIs. Tonally balanced - revealing yet warm, dynamic, good seperation of instruments and great soundstage both width and depth.

I play upright bass so reproducing the warm tones inherant to the instrument is critical

Some have said that Acoustic Zen sound a little grainy - I've heard elements of that on the interconnects, and swapped them out for Straightwire Crescendos, Purist Audio Aqueous 50th. The Crescendos may be just slightly veiled (very subtle) the PAD are very dark and lack a little dynamics but are tonally balanced (I hear their more expensive cables are not dark and lacking)

I haven't tried anything higher up the Acoustic Zen line. I usually stay away from silver - I am very sensitive to bright high freqencies (a few concussions along the way) -I have 16+k hearing. I've had Cardas golden cross but it wasn't dynamic enough and too warm.

Cables suggested were morrow, higher level pad,
The Nordost I've heard I didn't like. Clear Day I have never heard of. Anticables I didn't care for.

My equipment Galibrier Gavia (currently triplanar wiring), Doshi Aalap Preamp, audio research cd2, atma sphere ma-1 tube mono blocks to speltz zeros impedance converter, qsc bass amp, and Salk Soundscape 10 speakers,

What cables would you recommend that wouldn't be incredibly expensive and have a tonally balanced sound leaning to the warm side with great dynamics and soundstage?

I would need 10 ft runs to the bass drivers. Should I go shorter on the top end, and small lengths on the "jumpers" from the zeros to the speakers?

Morrow SP5's sound interesting

Anyone went from Acoustic Zen to another cable? Or higher up the AZ line?

Would like to stay under $1000 on a 10' pair
unless the next step up is jaw dropping
Obviously broken in used would be nice



I had a most unexpected, pleasant listening experience, earlier this year. I spent some time w/ an Audio Research, Magnepan system. Straightwire cabling/cords throughout.
The real kicker here (I am a cable/cord guy) was that the owner used the lowest level/cheapest cost Straightwire.

I must say, the sound was very good. IMO, with a little higher cable cost investment, that system would be excellent to outstanding.
Happy Listening!
I've been using Satori shotgun biwires for a while as well, and though I've had several others in here I keep coming back to the AZs for their balance of strengths. They're detailed enough to keep me interested and let me know what's going on in a recording, but they're not overly so and they allow tonal colors to come through and sound organic and natural in the process. Not to say they're near the best in any of these categories, but I think it's their balance and natural presentation that keeps me coming back to them. I mention this because you seem to like them for some of the same reasons, so maybe re-terminating them might be a good option if it's cost-effective. Then again this would seem to be an oportune time to try different cables, but in your price range I can't think of anything off the top of my head to recommend. Morrow might be worth a try since someone above preferred them to the Holograms and there's a nice trial period.

I'm a little confused by your interconnects. The Matrix Ref. IIs were not the originals. I find the original version to be quite a bit warmer, fuller, with less detail up top than the Matrix Ref. IIs. I have found using the Silver Ref. IIs from source to pre and original Matrix Refs from pre to amp to be a nice pairing. It preserves most of the warmth and tonal richness of the Matrix Refs while adding a nice bump in transparency, air, bass tightness/speed, transient snap, image focus, and soundstaging without going too far (at least for my tastes). If that sounds like characteristics that might benefit your system/tastes you might consider giving it a try.

Hope this helps, and best of luck.
It's reassuring to hear that many others like the AZ sound
Soix - I actually have Matrix 1 and Matrix II and you are right, the 1s are warmer - a great sound.

Tom 6897 - were the Morrows slightly better or a real eye opener? Are they slightly warm and full bodied like the AZ?

Jafant - I won StaightWire Crescendo - a very nice interconnect.

I was considering the Morrow SP5s and MA5s from all the posts I have read here. Is there an ideal tipping point in their line?: They have a trial period so what is there to lose.

THe $1000 was a max, the PAD stuff gets pretty expensive
Reterminating and trying out some other cables seems more reasonable

keep the insights coming
I owned several AZ cables over the years and found them to be very good and quite enjoyable, but I've since moved on to Wywires which I prefer significantly.

I'd suggest taking advantage of their risk free trial to see if you enjoy them as much as I do.
Audiotomb, I replaced neutral sounding Audioquest King Cobra ICs (copper) with AZ Absolute (silver+1%copper). Sound is still very neutral but more refined. There is no brightness but everything sounds cleaner and faster. Instruments have more natural timbre and background seems "darker". I don't know how it would compare with other high end ICs (King Cobra is inexpensive) but perhaps you could give it another try. I use the same Satori Shotgun speaker cables. Not exactly warm but slightly emphasize lower midrange where my class D amp sounds lean.