Bach Brandenberg Concertos CD Recommendation

I need a cd (only) recommendation for a complete set of the Brandenberg Concertos. I'd like a performance that has speed, rhythm and, of course , good sound. I was very disappointed with the recent Harmonia Mundi (label) offering. I thought it to be ponderous and oversized. I remember liking the old Nonesuch LP set. Any recommendations?
The Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood, on
Decca L’Oiseau-Lyre. Played on period instruments. Might not have the "speed" that you may be used to hearing for these works, but an otherwise excellent CD vis-a-vis sonics and performance.
Three excellent choices:

(1) Il Giardino Armonico, Antonini
Teldec (1997)

(2) The English Concert, Pinnock
Archiv (1982)

(3) Tafelmusik, Lamon
Sony (1994)
I second the English Concert/Pinnock version, it has a liveliness that I find necessary for these pieces. An early digital recording, and Archiv to boot, but not bad sounding and the performance makes you forget any preconceived recording deficiencies and enjoy the music.