Hidiamond vs Hifidelity interconnects

Anyone have direct experience comparing the 2 brands?
Siddh. You do your self a disservice by changing your cables back and forth. You only have about 60 hours on the HFC so after 4 days of removal you have not lost all but I would say a good amount because it was only 60 hours. If it had a couple of hundred then no, it would only need several hours to a day or so for the Magnetic Conduction to be back. Place the HFC in and leave it untouched for over a hundred hours, double if you can. At least then you start to get a feel for that sound of the HFC. Also after the HFC has been connected and then you replace it with the HD, the HD will benefit from the Magnetic Conduction of the HFC for a while. More right away and then it will diminish over a short period of time (hours not minutes).

This just my understanding and experience.
"As far as "gain" I am perplexed. I never had a problem with gain at all. You should contact Rick and HFC and talk to him about it. He is very willing to help in anyway he can.

The one thing I have noticed about the HFC Cables is that they lower the noise floor by a huge amount and allows me to turn the volume up to levels I could never do before. Before at those levels there was too much noise along with the music."

Al, this is EXACTLY my experience.

"Also after the HFC has been connected and then you replace it with the HD, the HD will benefit from the Magnetic Conduction of the HFC for a while. More right away and then it will diminish over a short period of time (hours not minutes).

This just my understanding and experience."

Al, this is ALSO my experience, swapping "other" cables, besides HD.

Magnetism plays a very mysterious role in electronics.
Agree with Hifial, the less tampering and moving of the High Fidelity cable the better. This cable doesn't lend itself to swapping in and out for quick comparisons.
Honest cable swapping between HFC and other brands is difficult - because the magnetic conduction charges the signal path through your components. So putting in brand X after HFC allows it to benefit from a charged signal path that can takes days to wear off.

I have the CT-1E speaker cables, and have also had the normal CT-1 speaker cables along with a heap of other speaker cables such as Tellurium Q. I have not noticed much gain changes at all, so you may have a system/cable mismatch with your amplifier or speakers. You should post what gear you are currently running so people can note this.
What I called "wood" sound others call flesh, emotion, etc. I get that part. I also find it hard to evaluate some opinions since the system is not listed. I can understand some of the comments on how each cable sounds but with regards to bass, that is a tricky one. I have recently changed speakers and each speaker has a different sound and reproduces each frequency range differently. I have read some comments on bass reproduction and I would like to know what speakers you are using because I don't feel that each speaker can really reproduce certain lower mid bass and lower bass frequencies that well. So the comments to me are not that helpful overall in understanding those observations. It also seems that some use cables to correct a system failure such as clarity, depth, dimension, soundstage. In my experience most of that comes from the preamp. My partner and I build are own preamp and I would seriously doubt that what we build anyone else has really experienced. Not to say that your system or preamp isn't doing what you want it to do but in the design, I found it hard to choose the sound for the preamp because each part had an overall change to the sound, similar to how many are describing how each cable changes the sound to their liking. The preamp I build actually has a selector switch so that you can change the sound to one you prefer with your system. I found it hard to build something that was only for my system or my ears or based on the sound that I preferred, like most of the comments above. I have been out of the cable game for some time now as designing the preamp took close to three years and I am still making final adjustments. Getting back to the cable comparisons, I think I understand the differences between the cables, some feel that the HD cable is more emotionally involving, and that is what I felt the HF cable lacked when I heard the original beta test cable I heard. I spoke to Rick about this and he told me that he understood what I was referring to and that he was using a longer burn in on the cables that would eliminate this. I have not had the time to play around with cables but was interested in knowing what everyone was hearing. SO thanks for the comments and keeping the thread informative versus one person bashing the other cable.

Happy Listening.

PS anyone in the NYC area? I would love to hear the cables in your system.