The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
Thank you Eldragon and Carl_eber for your courteous replies. I appreciate your assistance. I really am very happy with my audio setup as currently composed. Today I placed 3 small DH Cones under my P-1A/P-3A combo and found my enjoyment level soar. The desire I expressed in my initial post for a smidgen more brightness has been satisfied by this $20 tweak. I regained the toe tappin', rhythm and drive, groove factor that the Linn/Naim folks rightly cherish. I had neglected to address this area, thinking the PolyCrystal cones under the transport, on which the Perpetual Technologies boxes rest, would be adequate. I was wrong. Actually the digital boxes are new and I have given no attention to the issue other than waiting for the units to burn in. I have not had the opportunity to see if this has somehow miraculously fixed the other imaging issue. I'm not holding my breath. I am a believer in acoustical treatments making a big difference in providing a more believable image. I tried one Michael Green PZC acoustical treatment device on the rear wall centered between the speakers on a previous iteration of my system. This device greatly improved the image qualities of the Linn Kan II speakers I was using in the same living room. The MGD PZC had been damaged in shipping and I returned the unit to the vendor. Since all this is taking place in our living room, and have a wife's aesthetic to consider, any acoustical treatment will have to be nearly invisible or very elegant. I have yet to decide whether to reorder one or more of the MGD PZC's as I continue assess/obsess how they would look in our home. Carl I would appreciate your suggestions for a better front end, actually I would appreciate anyone's suggestions/commentary. I admit to being extremely attracted to the Perpetual Technology promise of being able to use future digital standards with their products. Any commentary on the Perpetual Technology products would be appreciated. Also, Carl, I would love to have a dedicated room but have not figured out any way to add one to our home. BTW, let me know where you live and I would love to hear what you have going on. I have been "lurking" here on Audiogon for a while and have noticed your posts. I have especially interested in your commentary. NOTE to Krellpower1; if you would like to see this communication moved to another thread, please let me know.
Levinson - all used, except the 27 amp. 38 preamp, 37 CD transport, 36 DAC, and a Genesis Digital Lens, Kimber D-60s, Kimber KGAGs, Kimber 4TC, Thiel 2.2s. The Levinson pre, trans, and DAC all replaced PS Audio components. As each Levison component was put into the system, another layer of detail was opened from the sound - and the PS Audio gear was itself good sounding stuff.
Conrad Johnson pv10a pre, Proceed hpa2 amp, cal. audio Ikon mkII cd, Transparent "super" interconects and bi-wire to Martin Logan Aerius i. Power wedge 116 for front everything except the amp. Ok guys, what is the "weak" link to upgrade next?
Hi No_Money; If you have room acoustics under control, good power cords, and vibration(s) under control, maybe a dedicated AC and ground system (if circumstances permit)-- the component I might look at is your CD player. But if you really like the music quality/character don't fool around with it without some specific reason to do so as it looks to me like you have a pretty nice "real world" system. But I've been where you are, and I know it's just about impossible to leave things alone. I don't know much about that model CD player, but I'm a big believer in the best quality front end I can afford, and I now use a Levinson 37 transport and 360S DAC which was a big improvement over My Muse Model 2 DAC and Sony XA7 CD player. But consider the first things I mentioned first. Happy Obsessing. Craig.
Craig, I am building a house now, and will hopefully move around jan-feb.Allready plan for a couple of dedicated lines. The new room is 15'x17' with cathedral ceilings and I am crossing my fingers that it will sound good because it is the only room in the house I can use unless I want to go nearfield. My last upgrade was the amp and after hearing that I really want to try some other proceed gear, since I will not be able to afford the Levinson stuff. Have you heard their c.d. or pre-amp? The other possibility I am looking into is a ARC LS-16, any body that has any thoughts on that vs the CJpv10a feel free to chime in. thanks