I have read the many threads submitted here. I see some really dictated audiophiles that seemed to be searching for that elusive Sound that causes us to get all excited about all the many components we have gathered. I have followed in the steps of many of you. My current system represents probably my last system. Time has moved on with all the new & innovative equipment coming available today. My current system Consist of Jeff Rowland Consonance preamp, I hope to be able to replace this with an EAD unit, the Ovation. I am using a pair of Jeff Rowland Model 7 power amps. Both my preamp & power amps have all the latest updates from Jeff. I am using Krell power cords on these. For some mystical reason they sound like a veil has been removed with the Krell power cords. This was a very inexpensive upgrade that one of my friends suggested. IT WORKED for me. I am using Magnan IV balanced interconnects between the pre-amp & amps. I am using Duntech Classic Sovereign 2001 speakers. This was the predecessor for John Dunlavy for the Dunlavy V’s. I have just recently replaced all the drivers with a matched set from Duntech. I am a planner lover from way back. Maggie MG III’s were my first experience. I have used the Maggie Typhinify IV’s, and then Beverage Model V’s with built in subs, then the Vandersteen Model IV’s, also Wilson Watt Puppies. I have found for my taste & application the Duntech’s are my lifetime first choice. Although I listened to the Dunlavy V’s & VI’s prior to updating my Duntech’s, I still prefer the Duntech sound. I use Goertz AG-2, shotgun (double-runs to each speaker). I have auditioned many speaker cables but my taste is always the AG-2’s with each new A B comparison. Currently I am using a Pioneer CD & Laser disc combination front end. I am using XLO Ref 1.1. Cable here. I am looking to change this completely with a CD transport & D/A. I am just not able to discover which one will serve my listening taste best. I miss my Goldmon Reference Turntable, SME arm w/Koetsu Gold Ion ox cartridge. OH Well, I said I was going to digital. I use a pair of Genesis 900 Subs crossed over at 35 cycles, believe me when I say I have the bottom octave covered. Now for the most important component that I think most people forget so many times, “THE ROOM”. I consider this the most cost effective component in my system. I have just completed & moved into a dictated building 24’ X 16’ X 9’. This building has a hall connecting it to my home. It has a separate 200 AMP electrical system. I am using an industrial power supply & filter between the meter & panel. Total power isolation & regulation, laboratory grade. I picked this up from a hospital used equipment outlet. I only paid $500 for it. It probably cost at least $25,000 new. It was for laboratory power. All receptacles are hospital grade with separate 20 amp circuits for each power amp (wired out of phase for noise cancellation) I have 12 segragated circuits to the mail panel for components. All are wire with 12/3-shielded pure copper. Separate Ground for pre-amp & power amps (eliminates ground loop hum). My walls are 9” thick. Double layers of sheetrock. Floors are 2 ½” thick on 2 x 8’s spanning 6’. I can drive my truck on it. I am also using a Yamaha DSP – 1000, obsolete by most standards, but the best unit that Yamaha has produced to date in my opinion. I have wired front effects & rear channel speakers with XLO model 6 speaker cables. No speakers yet. I am retired & handicapped, but I am having the time of my life. This system is far from the best available, but it is a life’s dream comes true for me. Anytime you are in my area come by & we will listen & tell fish stories.