The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
Hi No_Money; Congrats on your new house-- soundwise, I bet you'll really like the cathedral ceiling (wish my stereo room had one). You'll have fun with speaker placement and room acoustics. With dedicated outlets, your system may sound too bright, and the cure is good quality power cords-- I use Syn. Res. Master Couplers, but there are many good ones availabe, you just have to find what works well in your system. I haven't heard proceed's CD player or pre-amp, but I believe the CD player uses the same transport mechanism as the Levinson(s). Take a look at for proceed products. They have a good web site AND complete owners manuals on-line-- I downloaded and printed a 55 page Levinson manual for my transport. Got my Levinson gear on the net-- couldn't afford it otherwise. Cheers and enjoy. Craig.
I have read the many threads submitted here. I see some really dictated audiophiles that seemed to be searching for that elusive Sound that causes us to get all excited about all the many components we have gathered. I have followed in the steps of many of you. My current system represents probably my last system. Time has moved on with all the new & innovative equipment coming available today. My current system Consist of Jeff Rowland Consonance preamp, I hope to be able to replace this with an EAD unit, the Ovation. I am using a pair of Jeff Rowland Model 7 power amps. Both my preamp & power amps have all the latest updates from Jeff. I am using Krell power cords on these. For some mystical reason they sound like a veil has been removed with the Krell power cords. This was a very inexpensive upgrade that one of my friends suggested. IT WORKED for me. I am using Magnan IV balanced interconnects between the pre-amp & amps. I am using Duntech Classic Sovereign 2001 speakers. This was the predecessor for John Dunlavy for the Dunlavy V’s. I have just recently replaced all the drivers with a matched set from Duntech. I am a planner lover from way back. Maggie MG III’s were my first experience. I have used the Maggie Typhinify IV’s, and then Beverage Model V’s with built in subs, then the Vandersteen Model IV’s, also Wilson Watt Puppies. I have found for my taste & application the Duntech’s are my lifetime first choice. Although I listened to the Dunlavy V’s & VI’s prior to updating my Duntech’s, I still prefer the Duntech sound. I use Goertz AG-2, shotgun (double-runs to each speaker). I have auditioned many speaker cables but my taste is always the AG-2’s with each new A B comparison. Currently I am using a Pioneer CD & Laser disc combination front end. I am using XLO Ref 1.1. Cable here. I am looking to change this completely with a CD transport & D/A. I am just not able to discover which one will serve my listening taste best. I miss my Goldmon Reference Turntable, SME arm w/Koetsu Gold Ion ox cartridge. OH Well, I said I was going to digital. I use a pair of Genesis 900 Subs crossed over at 35 cycles, believe me when I say I have the bottom octave covered. Now for the most important component that I think most people forget so many times, “THE ROOM”. I consider this the most cost effective component in my system. I have just completed & moved into a dictated building 24’ X 16’ X 9’. This building has a hall connecting it to my home. It has a separate 200 AMP electrical system. I am using an industrial power supply & filter between the meter & panel. Total power isolation & regulation, laboratory grade. I picked this up from a hospital used equipment outlet. I only paid $500 for it. It probably cost at least $25,000 new. It was for laboratory power. All receptacles are hospital grade with separate 20 amp circuits for each power amp (wired out of phase for noise cancellation) I have 12 segragated circuits to the mail panel for components. All are wire with 12/3-shielded pure copper. Separate Ground for pre-amp & power amps (eliminates ground loop hum). My walls are 9” thick. Double layers of sheetrock. Floors are 2 ½” thick on 2 x 8’s spanning 6’. I can drive my truck on it. I am also using a Yamaha DSP – 1000, obsolete by most standards, but the best unit that Yamaha has produced to date in my opinion. I have wired front effects & rear channel speakers with XLO model 6 speaker cables. No speakers yet. I am retired & handicapped, but I am having the time of my life. This system is far from the best available, but it is a life’s dream comes true for me. Anytime you are in my area come by & we will listen & tell fish stories.
If your initials are "SD", and you aren't in the "continental" US, we have a mutual acquaintance.
Albert, your system is the most perfect example of a "federative government" of components and accessories.
Hi folks. Here is my journey. Turntable: Forsell air force one,tonearm Forsell air bearing,cartridges:Transfiguration AF 1, Symphonic line RG 8 gold, Clearaudio Insider Reference, pre-pre dr. Forsell, pre Convergent Ultimate, crossover M.L. lnc 2, power amps 4 Fourier Panthere otl monoblocks feeding Sound Lab Ultimate 1 . Wires: VDH mc silver and Third. Who helped me to build? My wife and my cat, with their discriminating ears,of course!