Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
Although new to Audiogon, I have been into audio for over twenty years. I have been married to one woman for over 15 years, and we have a twelve year old son. At 41, I am a social worker that specializes in adoption. My wife is usually a good sport about my audio pursuits, although my system is banished to being placed in an armoire in our bedroom. Recently, I got a concession to place a single sub outside the armoire, so life is pretty good. I love classical and jazz music, and have been collecting for years. I listen to music for about one to two hours a day. Gear that I have previously owned includes Carver, Harmon Kardin, and JBL many years ago. When we knew we could get a nice house and still afford to eat, I started back into serious audio gear. I started out with all Rotel separates and JBL monitors. I have since replaced Rotel with a Bryston amp and pre-amp(Dac) while keeping the Rotel cd player. The JBL's were replaced by Harbeth's, which I then replaced with JM LAB monitors. After all this upheavel, I think I am close to being happy with my system. I have had two diferrent B & W subs that I liked, especially the last one, but I am now looking for a sub to go with system. Apart from cords, IC's, cables, and maybe a good surge protection unit, I think I am ready to step off the upgrade-merry-go-round for a while. I have really enjoyed getting to know a little about fellow Audiogoner's.
Best Regards,
John Walker
Hello, I am new to Audiogon this year and have already made several purchases. I listen to almost every type of music. If it's good I listen. Favorites are jazz and funk. I am a Systems Engineer for a Consultant company. Since I don't have a TV, music is always playing in my home. I just purchsed Sonic Frontiers Line 2 and a Line 3 and Processor 3 through Audiogon. I will probably put the Line 2, AR LS9 up for sale. Slept on a SFT 1 that had the I2se upgrade. Will not do that again. So far I love the gear. It has really given me a new outlook on the extensive colletion I own. I am also an avid photographer and do some weddings, social and corporate events.
Another thread I can't believe I've missed! I'm a 35 year old wholesale fine wine salesman in DC. I'm single but live with the love of my life in our brand new condo in downtown DC. I've been on Audiogon for about 4 years I think, if not longer! I love buying, selling, and especially trading, and I've yet to have a bad experience. The people on here are the coolest bunch of audiofreaks anywhere and I'm proud to be associated with them! Thanks guys!
Wow, I missed this thread too for the last two years. Jond, I wish I would have seen you post earlier: I used to be constantly in the DC area. Nice place to live in a downtown condo (Actually I live in a nice condo, too, but in downtown Calgary). I haven't seen David99 around for a while, but maybe we should push this thread to the 500 mark.

I used to be a very happy audiophile with almost no system changes for 5 years, before that another 5 years with almost no changes. Then my integrated amp broke and I discovered Audiogon. From there I better stop counting...

Besides hanging out on Agon, I was born in Germany in 1974. I lived there until 1997, when I came to Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA!!) to work on my Ph.D. in physics. Finally finished, I live in Calgary, Alberta, and in the Waterloo/Toronto area in Canada. With my wonderful wife being from India and later Singapore, we have can be found anywhere in Canada, US, Singapore, India, Germany. Still have to develop connections to Australia, Afrika, South America, and Antarctica to cover the remaining continents.

Well, best wishes to everyone here and thanks for "wasting" two years of my life...(nothing compared to the seven years of physics though ;-)

born in taipei, taiwan in 1977. i was lucky enough to receive piano lessons for 7 years. i have always loved electronics (cameras, minidiscs, computers...). knowing how beneficial it is for infants to hear music, i ventured into this crazy hobby in 2003, when my son was born. i admit that i love audio jewelry. both classic/vintage technology and cutting edge technology intrigue me. my wife and 2 children currently live in nyc.