Top Ten Interconnects of all time...

A tip of the hat to FERRARI...(and to those great auto's!). I have enjoyed the "Top Ten" threads...So,.. What is you favorite Interconnect cables of all time? I will start this off with the following candidates...Wireworld Gold Eclipse III, Cardas Golden Reference, Nirvana S-L and S-X, Nordost Quattrofil..and the rest is up to you.
Purist Audio Dominus and Proteus, NBS Monitor 0 and Siltech's G-3 line of those currently available, and Full Spectrum of those not currently available. The Kimber Select silver interconnects also belong on the list, as well as their KCAG and, as a top choice on the budget side that's not so far away from the big boys, their PBJ.
Have had many different IC's including SPM and must say I really like the Harmonic Technology Pro Silway Mk. II. I personally believe that they are sometimes discounted as "the best" due to their price. One must remenber that system/cable matching is the most important and these have worked the best for me.
Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway MK2 I've had mine for a year now and it has improved my system as much as a major component upgrade.Not real expensive either ($399/M) Mike Fremer likes the Pro-silway's so much it is replacing his long loved Yamamura's
Straightwire Crescendo for 2 channel. Seranade & crescendo for theatre...impecable. Misty Crystal Revelations "Aquarious"