Top Ten Interconnects of all time...

A tip of the hat to FERRARI...(and to those great auto's!). I have enjoyed the "Top Ten" threads...So,.. What is you favorite Interconnect cables of all time? I will start this off with the following candidates...Wireworld Gold Eclipse III, Cardas Golden Reference, Nirvana S-L and S-X, Nordost Quattrofil..and the rest is up to you.
While I'm not saying these cables are close to state of the art today, one of the first cable inovators was Bob Fulton who had Fulton Gold interconnects. They sounded very musical at the time and were around before Monster cable was conceived. Bop Fulton visited high end dealers and had a plethora of tweaky products long before others jumped on the bandwagon. Among them were his Fulton Gold and brown speaker cables (the gold cables looked like welding cable and it were so thick and heavy they could almost hold up a LS35A by themselves without a stand!) the blue turntable mat, Fulton headshell leads, the Fulton J subwoofers, not to mention various incredible recordings he made and were available on LP.
So if were talking Top 10 of all time, I vote for the Bob Fulton's Gold Interconnects (Bob certainly didn't make millions) for they started this trend, though few today probably still have seen, heard or own his equipment.
Tincup, I've read your posts and in October your cable of the month was Xtreme, in November it was Reality, and now in December it is Voodoo. What cable of the month is planned for January 2006?
I think that Sgr's post is more in the spirit of a top ten of all time listing. Some products, like the Fulton Gold and the original Monster Cable interconnects, are what got the cable industry started, regardless of how good they are or were, and thus belong on a list like this. Some, like the Purist products, used innovations (the "water cables") that improved the sound we could expect from our cables and set them apart from the rest--they merit inclusion. And some, like the Nordost products, have been consistently and almost uniformly recognized over time as being superior products, even if not to everyone's taste, so they belong on the list. That's what should determine whether a cable makes it to this list at this time; flavor of the month cables need to prove their worth over time before they belong on this list. I think, for example, the longevity of Kimber's KCAG cables, which were the first demonstrably better cables I ever owned and are still in production today, should put them on this list, but while I am a great admirer of the Kubala Sosna cables, the best I have ever had in my system, I don't think it's quite the time to put them on this list--yet.
The thing is, Wc65mustang, is that there have been so many advances in cable-just in the last 4-5 years, that I can assure you that the Oritek X-2 will outperform almost all of the top-ten interconnects of all time. So will many others made in the last few years. I think that this gives a more balanced view to people who are looking to buy interconnects, and that is one reason why I mentioned the Oritek X-2. The other reason is the sound(or lack of-for those reading into the hidden meaning of words) of the X-2's.
1. copper...2.silver....3.more copper....4.the carbon thingys......5. still more silver and copper.....i guess 6 through ten would be even more copper.