What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...

I'm a sports marketing professional in the bicycle industry. Somehow I landed in Germany earlier this year for work, and have decided to make this home.

My current system isn't even mine. I was sharing a place with a guy who worked for our German sales office and he moved out but left the system. Get this it's a Pioneer A-77X receiver, 2 MB Quart QL 502 S speakers, and my Hp laptop iTunes through the headphone jack. I laugh at it everyday, but it sounds decent for my needs.

At home in the US (a fully furnished bach pad if anyone is looking to buy a place in Milwaukee) i would guess the retail price on my equipment is about $10k - $15k. TV included. I'm a music enthusiast and watch a lot of movies. Not an audiophile by any means. I raced cars for some years and I think I burned up my ears a little doing that.

I come here because I find it amusing that people would spend upwards of $50k on audio equipment. J/K I actually appreciate the craftsmanship and industrial design of the high end stuff.

Cheers from Germany
I am 44 y.o attorney. I am a music nut who has always appreciated hi-fi, but has only gotten the bug in the last 3 years or so. My system retailed for approx. $27k, although I paid much less. As I officially have the bug, the price/value will soon be going up..............
35 year old attorney in Chicago.

$6,000 system, give or take $500.

Creek 5350 se
Roksan Radius V with Roksan Chorus cart.
Rotel RCD 1062 cd player
Paul Speltz's affordable anti-cables
Some positively reviewed (like 10 years ago) but cheap (<$50) Ixos interconnects
Apple Airport Express
Currently unemployed for 15 months as of mid Dec. 2009 and am 41 years old, married for over five years, and a new father with our first child, our son Richard. I typically do computer aided drafting (electrical and mechanical) using Autocad and am learning Solidworks at home since November of 2008. I can't find a job that I am qualified for if I had to. Not getting the BSME degree was a huge mistake. Ironically, I do loudspeaker design as a hobby and have tried every reputable company in the USA and some in Canada too.
Yea me and my girl lost our jobs mid Dec 08.I was in construction,she account..We are in our 40,s & live in Calif. Spent Over $15,000 on first system. 5.1.Had to be better then 2.1 .Just OK sound.Did some due diligence& now have an excellent sound from some great pieces that cost under $1000.The incredible sound is close to a $100,000 rig i was dreaming about.I thought I.d have to start a new profession.