I am 65 and retired for 12 years. I would say to you, don't worry about the cost of your system. More importantly is how it sounds to you. After all, you are the expert of your system. I started my hunt for my sound along time ago. 1968. I bought quite a bit of Japanese new receivers and reel to reels. A few years later I was buying, piece by piece American made Speakers and started into separates. Then the kids come long and suddenly a long hiatus of 20 plus years. Then I started all over, why? Because I could I guess. I amassed over 4,000 records and then retiring and making a few trips traveling and listening to equipment not available in my area I ultimately ended up with a system I am proud to own. Cost about 83,000 without tax. It truly is the sound we are after That all elusive sound makes magic! And then, even your wife joins you in your hunt. In this case you honestly can say the catch was worth the chase! So take your time, enjoy the experience and let it take you wherever it goes. Wants and compromise......