Baltimore MD

Anybody interested in starting a club or discussion grp
there is no need for, nor will there be time for demonstrations of two room measurment systems, so since Kartracer spent more money he can bring his.
Well I tried to reach you Sang, but guess either my eMail didn't make it, or something. As it's 11am, I am going to guess I will be unable to make the days events as I have no directions. Have fun all, and I hope you all plan another ge t together again that I have the chance to attend.

wb3ffv, I'm sorry you weren't able to reach me. I didn't get your email. Sorry that you missed. We had a good time. Hope you'll make the next meeting.
Strange on the eMail, as I have never gotten any type of bounces. Maybe a spam filter or something got me, who knows.

Glad the event went well, and hopefully we can keep enough interest going to keep some type of periodic get together happening in the future..

I just want to add my thanks to Sang and the others who attended our get together Sunday. I really enjoyed listening to Sang's system, the big Maggies driven by the Joule tubes were really special. Luckily Sang has a big room as there were 8 of us enjoying the music, drinks and food. We also got to listen to Paul's sweet sounding modded Sony CD player and an impressive pair of Merlin monitors. It really got interesting when the Room Measurement equipment was set up and we were able to view room response plots, which indicated Sang 's space works pretty well.
Thanks to Mike for offering to host our next gathering, any dates in mind?
