Sound of OTL Amps

Trying to get the collective wisdom out there on OTL's. Does OTL's approach the "live sound" better than SET's or the bridged design of the BAT's power amps ? I guess it depends on what aspect of the illusion of live one is looking for. But let's say it was clarity and transparency, which technology is best. Suppose it was the magical midrange - does this mean SETs is automatic winner. For those who own OTL's, why do you prefer these to, say, a 15 Watt SET.
I can't speak for all OTL's, but I'm currently using an Atma-sphere S-30, 30watts/ch stero amp driving Alon Lotus SE speakers. It replaces an Audio Reseach amp with a large increase in transparency, imaging and speed. This amp has a wonderful midrange which I preferred over the Cary SET's that I heard. Remember, not all SET's sound the same, Art Audio, Wavelength being more neutral than the Cary's. It really is a matter of personal taste. It is also important to audition the amp with the speakers you plan on using.
I have Transcendent OTL & 811 SET. The SET sounds like a toy compared to OTL. If you like tube sound then consider Transcendent. Atma-Sphere is another fine amp but haven't heard it so can't comment.
haven't heard an SET in my system, I'm driving the Soundlab A-1's so that makes it almost impossible, there is an amp called the Viva Aurura that is supposed to be killer on the Soundlabs. All I know is that the Atma-Sphere's (MA-1's) are the most incredible amps of any kind that I have ever heard, take every audiophile adjective and multiply it one hundred times and you will be close. These probably aren't the best amps in the world but they are so good who cares. Highly recommended.
Bryceeboy, how about the new tube amps from Fanfare International? Have you heard them against the Atmasphere?