Best Pre-Amp with Phono Stage

I'm looking for a great Pre-amp, mainly for it's Phono stage. I want to stay around $3000.00 used. A little about my system: I'm using a Sim audio Moon W-5 into B&W N802's, Nordost SPM cables with quatro fil interconnects. I need a great Phono Pre-amp. My digital is a Wadia 860, and I run that direct into the amp, so that isn't a concern. Please help.
Atma-Sphere MP-1MKII (used) or the MP-3MKII new, blows all others away. No I am not a dealer or friend, just alot of expierience with "tube" pre-amps. ARC, CJ, Melos,Joule, CAT,Audible. The Atma-Sphere rules. Make sure you hear a unit that is fully broken in to really evaluate it, I think that is why we don't hear more about the pre-amps. They take forever to break in but it is well worth the wait.
If you can find a used CAT Ultimate, I think you'll fall in love. It's bigger and beefier sounding than the mk3. Haven't heard the Atmasphere, but feel you have to go to the ARC REF combo or Jadis jp-80 to match (not beat) its virtues.
I hate it when some guy named bryceeboy condems everything,save for the brand of his choice.Lotta this stuff IS choice.your money your choice TT ARM CART.PHONO CABLE.Has he really heard all these pre amps/with all the TT combinations ? Be kind, some of us own what you are trashing.
Have I got a pramp for you- Klyne 7.3LXBP retails for over $5600. This has been my personal preamp (of choice).I bought it prior to starting my audio company, Audio Tweakers. I have decided to own only products we sell, so out it goes. You won't find a better pre-amp, just different. This is a full function PA, balanced in/out, 2 separate outputs for multiple amps (subwoofer). Investigate what this preamp is about- natural sound and awesome flexability. The first $2750 takes it. You can e-mail me at
Audible illusions Mod. 3A w John Curl board. Pay more if you wont. But you will not better this.