C-J Combo: PV-5 and MF-2100; Si or No?

Opinions on roughly $1200 worth of this pre and amp, PV-5 for the mellow and MF-2100 for some cojones, while retaining the overall C-J sound. Then there's the CAV-50 which I haven't heard but about the same used price. Like the flexibility of the 2 pieces, though.Opinions?
I ran the PV-10 with the MF2100 for a couple years. Very nice combination. Have no personal experience with the PV-5. You can get a PV-10 and MF2100 for $1200.00
There is a PV-10 with phono on Audioshopper for $600. And a MF2100 on Audiogon for $650.
Thanks,sugarbrie, saw the mf-2100 and thought of the combo. Is there any synergy here, or just a couple of pretty good units? Any other pairings around the $1k mark, anybody?
I think the PV10 / MF2100 combo work well together. I still have the MF2100. It is now paired with a CJ Motif Preamp.
Don't discount the CAV-50...I owned it...and loved it! (upgraded to 11A) Remember that you won't need to spend $$ or time with interconnects with the integrated.