Lexicon mc-1 or Proceed avp??

I am interested in home theatre and audio rougly 75% home theatre and 25% 2 channel However when i do listen to some dvd's very often i am watching Musical cd's such as concerts recorded on dvd ie; fleetwood mac, metallica, hell freezes over etc..... Any opinions would be appreciated especially if anyone as "a,b'd" them
I think the Proceed sounds better on both movies and music. But Lexicon offers more upgrades and keep current with all of the tech. Proceed is slow to offer new formats, new processors, and hardware upgrades. I have a/b compared them. I bought the Proceed but latter sold it because they were so slow in the above respects.
You stated 75% movie, then what are you waiting for? The Lex MC1 is the best hometheater/multi channel music processor. Every single professional review says so. I own one and absolutely love it. Listen to its Logic7 will blow you away. you also mentioned listening to music concert DVD, the MC1's music Logic is outstanding.
I have the Lex DC1 and I was not impressed with the proceed. But who am I to say. I would go with Toan suggestion, he is right. I have no intention of selling my dc1, I've heard the mc1 blows it away. Good luck