ROWLAND, KRELL, LEAVE ME COLD! INITALLY IMPRESSIVE WITH ETCHED DETAILS BUT NO PACE MUCIALITY OR ANY HARMONIC CORRECTNESS Lamm or cj monoblocks sound better . I'm usuing lamm M2.1 with Lamm ll2 it blows away any krell setup ive heard As satisfying to ther tube lover as cj prem 5 monos with a good preamp but with detail and base control! unreal! no tube hassel and sound you can live with and get into the performance not the reproduction acrobatics of the electronics I have no desire to upgrade IM using martin logan requests biwired with symphony 48 4ft runs from silver audio appasionatas single ended throughout with a meitner bidat and sony dvd 7700 drive the next step up would be transducres kharma or verity with a possible upgrade to lamm tube monos but thats 20 ,000 away for now ihave 90% the next 10% is 50% mopre cash outlay Lamm is the way to go i had levison krell classe audio research vac etc no comparison this is music the way it was meant to be heard harmonics and space to die for!! Look for used lamm its the way to go and no reliabilty problems its a keeper !