Bryston 9B-ST or Pass Labs X5

I was wondering what sort of thoughts people had on using a Bryston 9B-ST or a Pass Labs X5 in a home theater set-up with the following equipment:

Processor -- Sunfire Theater Grand II
DVD -- Sony S7700 (soon to be upgraded)
Front Speakers -- Nautilus 805s w/ matching center
Rear Speakers -- Natulis SCM1 (flat, wall mounted version of the 805)
Interconnects -- Nordost Red Dawn (Balanced)
Speaker cable -- MIT T2 Bi-Wire (front)
Nordost Super Flatline Mk. 2 bi-wire (rear).

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Originally, I thought about using a seperate 2 channel for the front speakers and a three channel for the rest, but have ruled that out due to space (wife) considerations.
Concur with Dbwl above about power...although the Bryston is very conservatively rated. My 9B is spec'd by the factory at 170w/ch.

Your Nautilus are pretty efficient so don´t think you might be on the power challenged situation.
On the other hand been a HT setup and 805 not going that low, do you have a subwoofer in your system? Did you overlook telling about it ?
Thanks Sol322 and everyone else for responding. In fact, I have a REL Storm III as the sub in the set up. Based on the responses here and my own demo, I am leaning towards going with the 9B.