That's right, your government at work....

Mildly interesting to some, the Federal Trade Commission has published a request for public comment regarding its proposed change to the "Amplifier Rules" in order to account for measuring the power output of multichannel amplifiers (as apposed to "stereophonic" or "monophonic" amps). That's right, they do that stuff (news to me) and, what more, there's a federal rule for it. Apparently, there's a minor uproar over what constitutes an "associated channel." Mayhaps I'm just a hopeless dork (no comment necessary), but I thought this was all pretty funny. Any interest, the request for comment is here: Guess it goes to show, though, that the very need for a "Rule" means that you never know what your getting when you buy a multichannel amp these days.... Amazing what one comes across on the internet -- and I was genuinely working at the time. Honest.
It is not just us. Have you ever wondered why current amplifiers made in Europe cannot take banana plugs straight in (only in sideways through the wire hole)?? Some bureaucrats in the EU did not think the binding posts were safe, so they ordered them changed.
Ask any manufacturer about CE guidelines (required) for export sales. Thank God we have our governments looking out for us!
Protecting us while we sleep, you bet! I was told that CE regulations regarding protection vs. rfi & heat dissipation are mind-boggling. Maybe that explains in part the vertiginous prices of upmarket pre's & class A amps sold in Europe?