Upgrade to balanced XLR interconnects?

I currently have monster m1000 interconnects (25 ft.) running from preamp (Audio Research LS16) to amp (Audio Research D400). I am thinking of upgrading to balanced interconnects. I know the upgrade will be expensive.

Would it be worth the cost to upgrade. Any suggestions on what interconnect to go with (reasonably priced<$500).

Balanced is the way to go. It will surely show with the equipment you have. BUT try first. I switched form RCA to balanced three years ago and never regreted the decision.
I have found that certain links in the chain are far more sensitive than others to cable changes. For me the biggest is between preamp (ARC LS5) and amp (ARC VT130). Both of these units only have balanced connections, so for me to use single-ended cables is not possible. However my experience with Transparent cables, the Ultra specifically, has a rolled-off top end with my ARC system. The Cardas Golden Cross was magic between preamp and amp and can be found in the 5 or 6m length on the used market for $1200-1500. Finding a longer cable could be difficult to find on the used market. But recently I came across a very long run of NBS Statement for 15% of retail price and I just had to go for it. Like the Cardas was over the Straightwire Virtuoso, Transparent Ultra and Audioquest Diamond, the Statement was over the Cardas. Tonal balance was much more in check with the NBS and wow, yet another layer of resolution....you think the Cardas portrays ambience and 3D beautifully, the NBS is another level beyond. But! ... for the value, the Cardas is so difficult to beat, especially in the context of an ARC based system like you have. One other thing, the Cable Company is nice to allow you to hear many models, but of course, you end up buying new and to me anyway, paying retail for cables makes absolutely no sense at all. So my advice is to take note of the reviews and comments for a few cables that consistently get great comments (look at the Cardas reviews on audioreview.com) and just try one out. If you get a great deal, and then decide they are not really a good fit for your system or your liking, then selling them should be easy. I'm a big fan of listen-before-buy, but sometimes a good enough deal means you can own them for awhile and sell them at the same price. Good luck to you.

Your observation about a rolled off top end with the transparent ultra interconnect may be true for your system and room. However, I have to disagree with the generalization of your experience. I am using a 15 ft balanced Transparent Ultra XL interconnect between my ARC LS25 and ARC VT100 MKII with excellent results. The sound is extended and natural in the treble region. It is most definitely not rolled off.
You really don't have to spend a lot. For example, you may want to try out the DH Labs (silver sonic) Air Matrix. Its less than $200 and fully shielded (I think, check out the website its listed on the links here). Its working for me, but I am not so addicted to this stuff to spend thousands on interconnects. Hopefully I won't be there for a few years and NASDAQ will be over 10,000.
I am running Ultra balanced between ARC LS-15 and Proceed HPA2, they aren't broken in yet but it definately is not rolled off in my system.
Sawyer, any time you can get gear for what the salesmen pay for it, it is a steal...I doubt that is the only reason for good reviews.