What's the best Preamp??

Research is sometimes a bad thing. And so is choice.
Interested in thoughts on the following preamps
B&K Ref 30
Integra Research
Lexicon MC 1 (don't think I can afford the MC12)
Anthem Preamp recently reviewed in SGHT.

and the winner is.......
In response to the above threads--I plan to use the preamp in an 7.1 HT system with Vienna Speakers (probably Mahlers 0r maybe Strausses when they're released). I don't listen to alot of music these days; therefore, it will mostly be used for movie "magic" (hopefully!).
What amp will be used is another topic of debate--I smell another thread being written.....

Conrad Johnson Premier 3 hands down with good ol stock Telefunkens or Mullards.
I have heard the AVM20 and was very, very impressed. The Anthem product competes well with many, more expensive products. In an HT set-up, the AVM20 is nothing short of superb and does not give back much in two channel. Putting the value equation aside, I think it is an excellent choice. Factoring in the cost and functionality, I think it is without peer. In the interest of full disclosure, after demoing the AVM, I opted for the Krell HTS 2 because I thought the 2 channel was much better. Of course, the cost was much more also.
Integra Research RDC-7
Apogee Anti Jitter Clock
Colaboration among top Japanese engineers, Apogee of California and Balanced Audio Technologies
Reference Pre of 2 major Audio Publications
THX EX Pro Logic II
Top 24/192hz Dacs all channels.
Awsome Dolby digtal and DTS.
Two channel stereo that will blow your socks off.
Otherwise it just sucks. just kidding. Own it, love it.