ARC LS-15, thumbs up or down?

I am considering making the jump to a tube pre. At presant I'm using a Classe DR6/CA400 combo driving Thiel CS5i's. Pre/Pwr ic is MIT med imp 330 shotgun. Speaker cables are MIT 770 cvt twins. My local dealer has let me an LS-15 to demo. I've noticed a vast improvement overall, but now find listening a bit fatiguing. I'm working with the toe in, but haven't totally solved the problem. Also I noticed that the pre has a low level hum coming from the pwr supply. Barely audible with ear against the top. Is this normal? I like the sound. The price is right ($1400)? Would my money be well spent, or should I be going in another direction? Any input from others who have been down this path would be greatly appreciated.
I recently upgraded to LS-15 from a CJpv-10a and have not regreted it a bit. I have not noticed any fatigue at all, but I understand Theil can be picky on what they are matched with. I also have not noticed a humm, but I don't think I have had my ear that close to it yet, will try it later on and let you know. On the plus side $1400 is a good price so if you end up not likeing it you could at least get that much or maybe more back on it, or sell it really quick for a hundred or so less. Also make sure you are running your source throught the "direct" input, it makes a nice improvement all the way around. Good luck, I'll get back to you on the humm, but I don't think it is a big deal.
Thanks for the post No_money. The hum may be normal for the LS-15. The pre was a trade in on a Ref II. I wasn't sure since it's a used pre and I'm not schooled in tubes. I am using the direct in for my source and it does make a difference. Thanks
Mrderrick, I checked out my pre, it has a real low hum also. Must be normal. Happy listening
Have owned ARC pre-amp's and amp's for well over 15 years, the LS15 is a great pre-amp, easy to maintain and easy to use with remote, you should be happy for many years. Price seems right, and if you don't like it you should be able to resell and get your money back. I have found that it sounds best in my system using the Bugle Boy 6DJ8's which can be found on Ebay selling for about $30.00 to $80.00 for the set of 4 (they will be used with many of hours left). Good luck......Bob