Best Concert DVD

Now that I finally have a pre/pro (Krell Showcase)that does justice to music, I have been snapping up concert dvd's.

Now I'm looking for recommendations. Which concert dvd's do you find exceptionally well done in terms audio and video fidelity? Which ones were the best in terms of the artist's performance?
Thanks very much to all who posted. Many of these were already on my shopping list. I've since acquired some of them through eBay. Others, like Calle 54, I never would have thought of, but will now consider. Nice thing about it is that most of these can be had for less than $20.

Thanks again. You guys are the greatest!
I have to tell you that Queen's "We Will Rock You" DVD in DTS is so well recorded that I feel like lighting matches! The mix is excellent, and in DTS, this will blow you away (and your neighbors!)
Santana is very good as is the Eagles "Hell freezes over". I still think the BEST sounding concerts are on laserdisc. My Pink Floyd concerts on LD are the only reason I still keep an LD player around!! In fact most of the LD concerts I have sound much better on LD than DVD - the picture quality is with DVD but not the sound! I've noticed this with movies as well. We A/B Jurassic park one day and the LD version killed it! The subs were really going on each dino footstep with the LD, while the DVD produced a muted thud.
Nine Inch Nails...All that could have been.

I wish that I was a bigger NIN fan, because this DVD is amazing.