david berry...Today most people drive their center channel using a SS processor, which, as you say, involves digital processing. However, digital processing is not absolutely necessary. My optimum way of getting a center channel is to drive one channel of a stereo amplifier out of phase, and bridge the amp with the center speaker. This was very easy to do with an LP source, simply by reversing the pickup connections of one channel. Usually with this system, the center speaker seems a bit too loud, but this is very easily corrected by a "blend" pot bridged across the two signals at the preamp output. With 4 ohm speakers you probably have a low impedance problem for your power amp, but in my experience even relatively low power amps can handle 8 ohm speakers without difficulty.
Of course, if you are playing a CD the signals are already digital, and if you feed digital into the SS processor, so that no extra A/D is done, your Center channel ought to be just as good as the Left and Right.
Of course, if you are playing a CD the signals are already digital, and if you feed digital into the SS processor, so that no extra A/D is done, your Center channel ought to be just as good as the Left and Right.