Help me put a system together for my son

One day out of no where my (future) daughter in law say's my son is collecting albums. I had no idea he had any interest in audio, let alone vinyl (must have been paying attention to my hobby after all!) . They are in the process of buying a condo where his system will be used. He mentioned that bass was not important to him and that he was more interested in good midrange system. So far I picked up a (new) Rega RP1 TT that came complete with tone-arm & Ortofon cartridge. I am in the process of acquiring a used pair of Magnapan MMG. Keeping a low budget cost in mind, what amp/ pre amp or integrated would you think would work with what I have so far. And, he will need a phono pre as well. He has no interest in any other source at this time, just a vinyl set up.
The Brio is a very nice 49w int. amp which does have a good phono pre-amp built in, which used would be under $400. But no headphone jack. I personally have not tried but I would take a good look at the Marantz 6004. The NAD 326BEEE comes to mind as well. Not sure if around 50w is enough power to drive the maggies. I suppose if they are not pushed too hard, they would be alright. If one were to go used, the choices are quite extensive. A powerful older amp matched w/a good pre-amp. Bulky and take w/more space but probably better able to drive the spks. Good Luck!
I love Maggies to death, but very(room, room and more room to come alive) problematic. Since it is fete acomplais (as far as the speakers go) and he is in an apartment, I would go with the most SS (go integrated) you can get for the buck.
Look for a used Quad 909 ($1695) for around $700 to drive the Maggies. 140 w/ch and a bit of boost in the bass as they were made for planers. Pair with $500 used PS audio GCPH phono preamp with volume control($1000). You're good to go. Add a tube preamp when he adds another source component. Alternately, Belles 150 amp. If this is too much $, go with a used B&K 140 amp, about $250, but stick with the GCPH.
YBA Passion integrated or YBA integre. Very hard to find used, because there is very little reason to ever sell one. I owned both and moved to tubes to have it all. YBA makes the sweetest ss I have ever heard. Hi current. Your Maggies will love the Passion.