Guys with all due respect, Comcast Provides CBS NBC ABC FOX PBS HBO SHO MAX ESPN and 2 exclusive HD channels with awsome demo's . The Channels are called IN HD 1 and IN HD 2.
And the lineup will actually expand as the next year passes. Its simple , its quick and it real genuine HDTV>
Its plug and play and a NO BRAINER.
Those that can receive it are fortunate. For those of you who cant, If you have a high definition ready Television definetly go the Dish Route. The future is here and it looks pretty damn spectacular.
And the lineup will actually expand as the next year passes. Its simple , its quick and it real genuine HDTV>
Its plug and play and a NO BRAINER.
Those that can receive it are fortunate. For those of you who cant, If you have a high definition ready Television definetly go the Dish Route. The future is here and it looks pretty damn spectacular.