Pre/Pro with 2 MCH analog inputs plus..

I am looking for suggestions of a pre/pro with ALL of the following features:

1. 2 separate analog 5.1(+) inputs and 2 or more analog stereo inputs
2. Analog inputs can bypass digital processing
3. Analog inputs can have analog bass management
4. All the other regular digital features

Ring a bell with anyone?

Sorry, I didn't catch the qualification of needing a processor:-) I would love to find exactly what you are looking for! If you find it, let me know. I have been wishing for that type of flexibility for about 3 years. I ended up with the Audio Refinement Pre-2DSP but am limited to only 1 set of 5.1 inputs - having to stick with my current SACD but no DVDA (don't want a univ. player either). Right now, I am looking strongly at the Bel Canto Pre-6 but would be relying on the internal DD/DTS processing of the DVD/SACD player I am using since it isn't a processor. I would have to forego Pro-LogicII and some of the other music surround modes. I miss the days when manufacturers made "processor only" units that didn't function as preamps. Then you could stick with a HQ multi-channel pre and swap out (or upgrade) the processors to accomodate newer technologies!
Consider a multi-channel preamp. The EMM-Labs Switchman 3 (if you don't mind a wired remote) or the new Audio Research MP1 come to mind. You get 3 or more sets 5.1 multichannel analog inputs from multiple sources: SACD, DVD-A, and even your SS-Processor. The MP1 has a processor pass-thru with unity gain, allowing a home theater processor to control overall system volume (by connecting a pair of amps/speakers to the processor output you achieve 7.1!). Just received my Audio Research MP1 Friday but haven't had a chance to set up yet. Sources include the following: Lexicon RT-10, Sony C555ES, Denon 5900 into Lexicon MC-8B. All speakers active: ATC ASL100 (3), ATC ASL 20 (4) and ATC C-6 LFE. Ray.
Thanks. I've seen and heard the MP1 but it ain't a processor and that means an additional box on the already crowded rack.
Slightly off topic. Can somebody, please explain this? I have Bryston SP-1 Pre-Pro, which has one set of 5.1 inputs. My understanding is that Bryston's preamp section is 2 channel analog preamp "analogous to Bryston own B-25 stereo preamp". So, how does Bryston do 5.1 channel preamplification for multichannel analog source ( SACD or DVD-Audio)? Two front channels go through the analog pass-through and the rest through the digital circuitry of processor part?
The same applies to Audio Refinement Pre5, which is again a 2-channel analog preamp with "5.1 capability". Appreciate your clarification in advance.
The Bryston SP-1 (or SP-1.7) has multiple 2-channel analog inputs for stereo redbook CD player, 2-channel output from your SACD player (most/all SACD players have one set of 5.1 and one set of stereo analog outputs), or even FM radio-tuner and vinyl turntable. There is only one set of 5.1 analog inputs--this set of inputs can be used by only one set of 5.1 analog outs from a 5-channel SACD player or your DVD-Audio player. The 2-channel bypass and the 5-channel bypass modes engages the Bryston's "2-channel analog preamplifier" or its "5-channel multichannel preamplifier" --bypassing all digital processing of the SP1 (1.7)