What needs to go?

I am happy with the sound of my system for home theater use but not in two channel. I do not have the room to have two separate systems so I am looking for the best two/five channel combination. Time spent is 50% music and 50% HT. My room is 17' X 13' with the speakers and TV on the short wall. Here is my system:

Sunfire Signature Grand Amplifier
B&K Ref 30 Processor
Sonus Faber Grand Piano Homes,Solo with dipole rears.
Highly modified Pioneer Dv 444 DVD player
Velodyne Sub
MAS cables throughout

My main complaint in two channel is that the sounds is fatiguing.I have moved the GP Homes around and the sound has improved a little but still do not sound as good as my previous Audio Physic Virgo II"s with a Clayton amp. Very few room treatments (foam on wall behind speakers. Oriental rug is in front of the speakers on the floor. Room is open on two sides (behind seating area and right side of room). Sliding glass doors are on the left of the room. I have set up the speakers using the CARA method.

What component or components need to go? Should I add a seperate pre for two channel listening or upgrade the B&K?

Any and all help will be appreciated.
It's the pre. I auditioned the 30 and thought it was the brightest sounding pro/pro that I had heard up to that point. How about an Anthem AVM2?
Thanks to everyone for their comments. Stehno, I do agree that I have taken a step back from my all two channel system to a five channel system in sonics. I will look at the Primare P30 as an option. The modified Pioneer DVD player was used to great effect in my two channel system so I know that is not the problem. The problem is the synergy or lack thereof between the B&K Ref 30 and Sunfire Sig amp. The cables are MAS grey cables built by Stu Wein. The cables between the pre and DVD player are silver. I might try replacing these with copper to see the change.

I want to work on system changes slowly to acheive my goal of two channel/five channel bliss. Looks like I need to look at either replacing the B&K or adding a tube pre first.Then work on a change in amplification.

Thanks again.

Sorry for the slow response, the Mantissa is one of those components you hear or read little about, maybe very few were made before Red Rose bought the company...I don't know.

I would rate it C+ for looks and A for sound in my system. It is without a doubt one of the best buys I have made, the other being my Apogee Duetta Signatures.

With out'a doubt. I'd drop the B&K Pre Pro. I owned one for a while and couldn't find an amp- tube or sould state that could soften the ear bleading top end. Had to repaint the room. Tube amps were better but it was never natural or easy to listen to. I've been much happer with the now out of date- Proceed PAV-PDSD Combo. If / WHEN I decide to upgrade, The new Primare SP31 Pre Pro will be at the top of the list with the Bel Canto Pre 6 as my second choice. My .02