The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.
John & Carl; I am really glad to see you guys last couple of posts-- a good start for 2001. They show class on both your parts IMO. Carl, thanks for the new year salutations and same to you. And I mean that sincerely and hope we can all maintain cordial relations ("Hope springs eternal"-- right?). Cheers. Craig
Good "take" David-- I should have thought of that as I lived in Mormon country for awhile:>). Cheers and Happy New Year.
just so no one is offended,my daughter has been baptized as Mormon.Her mother is Mormon as is my girlfriend.The Mormans are very fine people.