Applause: Bummer

Now that I have a rig I can call a "system", I often find myself looking up from a book or the computer or whatever to pay attention to a particularly involving musical passage. Finally, it ends and I think, 'wow, that was just right', or 'jeepers, Vladimir or Dizzy or _______ was right here a moment ago'. But if it's a live recording, the applause always brings me down. Never, not once have I heard applause on any audio rig that sounded like hands clapping. Baez "From Every Stage", Dizzy "An Electrifying Evening" and "Newport II", "Jazz at the Pawnshop", Horowitz at the Met", Clapton "Unplugged", nada. Am I opening the gates to hell pursuing realistic applause? Is it out there at $50,000 per? Should I care? Have I ruined anyone's day?
Be thankful that the applause does not sound realistic. If it did, the music wouldn't. Reason? When recording, mikes are optimized to record the instruments, and thus are usually quite directional. Even omnidirectional mikes are usually placed in front of or above the performers. To adequately capture the sound of applause, additional mikes would have to be hung or placed in the audience, which would over-emphasize room or hall ambience. Mixing would also become much more complicated, trying to find the right balance. So, if the music sounds right, enjoy it and don't think about the applause -- it's only there to inform you that the performance was done live.
I like it, Sd. From now on, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. It also makes sense. Applause.
Applause sounds terrible on my system also, harsh and noisy. I am glad you wrote this post. But I am surprised by your comments about live recordings, David99. Many of my favorite cds are live. I love hearing the ambience of the room or hall. Imaging is more realistic, and I get a very real sense of a live event. I just listened to Ricki Lee Jones' "Naked Songs". It is amazing. It sounds like I am there in a small club. Or the "Three Tenors". I love the recording. I can hear the open air, a summer night in Milano. Some other favorites are Lyle Lovetts' live album, The Mountain Stage series, Eva Casidy, live, MFSL tribute to Steve Goodman, Keith Jarrett....all live. I could go on forever. I actually look for good live recordings. I find them more involving.
Bibloom-I mentioned live rock recordings.I find them to be distracting from the crowd noise.I also find most to be poorly miked.There are exceptions of course.The Eagles "Hell Freezes Over" for one.....
David99. Sorry. I guess I missed the distinction you made, but I wanted to ask. Don't you find that rock recordings are generally poor, compressed and terribly mixed? I love rock and find rock recordings frustrating. I mostly listen to them in my car. I have a live Clapton disc, I think it's titled "24 Nights", that, IMO, is much more involving than his last two studio recordings. I don't mean to be disagreeable. I am just a bit surprised and curious. Thanks.