What AC Power Cord sounds best?

I'm looking to upgrade my power cords. I currently have 4 Synergistic Research AC Master Couplers in my system. They sound great but I understand there are some others out there with a quiter background, better bass, increase resolution, etc. Please let me know of your experiences with the 'really good stuff'. Thanks!
PS 300, dedicated lines and a seperate ground is where to start, in my experience, before you spend $$$ on exotic power cords. Unles you have perfect power to begin with the differences are not subtle, especially in the digital chain.
Hi Carl- Honest, no bashing. Given any particular system, a change may not render an improvement, only a difference. As you stated, if the PS300 produced such a huge improvement, I'd agree that you probably do have significant A/C power quality problems. If your power feeds, dedicated lines preferred, were improved, I have little doubt as to the improvements with the FIM Gold. ( Have you tried the FIM feeding the PS300 or on your DAC/CD player?). I've found that the FIM may be the most "universal" of the "super" power cords in that you can use them throughout your system without being overloaded by a particular coloration or tonal emphasis. Obviously, personal preference will dictate the use of any particular component or combination of components. With this in mind, it can be problematic to say that one item is superior to another in all applications. We can only critique within the limitations of the system(s) that we own or routinely hear. However, given that I've owned and lived with two each Black Mamba, Cobra, King Cobra v1, ElectraGlide Fat Boy SE, and Coincident power cords, and was afforded the opportunity to audition the FIM Gold at length, I strongly suggest that you re-audition the FIM after you've done everthing you can to improve your main A/C power feeds. I believe the FIM is that good. Just my .02 .
Hi Jcbtubes. Great advise. In my system PS 300 was an improvement. The FIM was a sonic knockout. I borrowed a SR Reference. IMO the Coincident PC is as good or better than the SR Ref. Neither Coincident or SR Ref. as good as they are can perform at the level of the King cobra or cobra. Have not heard cobra or KC V2. I thought I was done with PCs. Then I heard the FIM. I need more FIM.
I have had great sucess with FIM power cables. replaced my Electraglide Fatboy, Siltech, Marigo and NBS.